Let me guess. The reason why you’re reading this Legal Blog Post is because your West Palm Beach Guest Won’t Leave your home. What begins as an act of kindness-offering a room to a friend or …
Category: Unlawful Detainer
What Is A Sheriff’s Writ Of Possession In Florida? | 561.699.0399
What Is A Sheriff’s Writ Of Possession In Florida? Evictions Eviction Notice? Writ of Possession? 24-hours to leave? Florida Statute 83.62 states that in an action for possession, after the entry of judgment in favor …
Jurisdiction For Landlord-Tenant Actions In Florida
Where do I file my Florida Eviction Action? If you have Florida Tenant that needs to be evicted and you have already delivered proper notice, you need to know where to file your action, so …
What Happens If A Florida Landlord Accepts Rent Or Partial Rent After Delivery Of A 3 Day Notice?
3-Day Notice In Florida, a 3-day notice is a paper that landlords give to tenants who haven’t paid their rent. Basically, it says “you’ve got three days to pay up or leave the property.” If …
Unlawful Detainer vs. Eviction in Florida | Florida’s Summary Procedure
Unlawful Detainers vs Evictions in Florida Which one is it? Our office hears this question all too often. Do you have an invited guest staying in your home, but they are refusing to leave? Is this …
Palm Beach County Eviction Lawyers | 561.699.0399
Let’s Get Back To Business! Landlords, we hear you loud and clear. Enough is enough! No more excuses! It’s time to get back to business! If you’re a commercial or residential landlord with property in …
Do I Have A Tenancy With My Landlord If There Is No Signed Lease Agreement?
What I Need To Know If There Is No Written Lease Agreement A lease agreement is an agreement between the Landlord and Tenant wherein the Tenant leases property from the Landlord for a specific duration …
How Long Is The Eviction Process in Florida? | 561.699.0399
How Long Is The Eviction Process in Florida? At The Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC, our Florida Eviction Attorneys are always asked How Long Does Eviction Take In Florida? As a result of 51.011 Summary …
Florida 3 Day Notice | 561.699.0399
When it comes to Landlord-Tenant Law in Florida, our West Palm Beach Eviction Lawyers are always asked, what is a Florida 3 Day Notice? In order to have a Florida Residential Tenant removed from the premises …
Coronavirus Florida Attorneys | Real Estate & Estate Planning Attorneys
Coronavirus Florida Attorneys | Real Estate & Estate Planning Attorneys These days, everybody seems to be talking about a different type of Corona. The Coronavirus or what is now known as Coronavirus COVID-19 is taking …
Can a Landlord Include Late Fees in a Three Day Notice? | 561.699.0399
Can a Landlord Include Late Fees in a Three Day Notice? For a Landlord, a Florida Three Day Notice can either make or break your case for eviction. A Florida Three Day Notice is a document provided to a Tenant stating …
Liquidated Damages Clause Early Termination Fee FL | 561.699.0399
Unfortunately, even when both a Landlord and Tenant sign a Lease stating that the term will be for a year or some other length of time, sometimes the Tenant needs to terminate the Lease early …
Return of My Florida Security Deposit & Time Frame | 561.699.0399
In Florida, a hot topic with our Landlord-Tenant clients is always the issue of returning the security deposit, how security deposits work with respect to the lease and the law, what are the relevant time …
Landlord Eviction Attorney FL Cost | Wellington Eviction Lawyers
Landlord Eviction Attorney FL Cost | Wellington Eviction Lawyers Wellington Florida is known for its equestrian community and hosting equestrian events, notably show jumping, hunting, dressage and polo. And, as of 2017, the city had …
Boynton Beach FL Tenant Attorney | 561.699.0399
Are you a residential or commercial Tenant in Boynton Beach Florida? Are you having issues with your landlord that is impacting your tenancy at either your home or your business? As a Boynton Beach Landlord …
Service of Process in Florida | 561.699.0399
A lawsuit has been filed against you in Florida. What is the next step? In all lawsuits, the Defendant(s) must be properly notified of the pending lawsuit in order to file an Answer or other …
What to Expect in your Initial Consultation with an Attorney
It is always a tough decision to hire an attorney and in many circumstances it can be intimidating. A lot of times, you are at the end of the rope and have no where else …
How To Properly Deliver A 3 Day Notice In Florida | West Palm Beach Eviction Attorneys
How To Properly Deliver A 3 Day Notice In Florida How is a Florida residential 3 Day notice properly delivered in Florida? The beauty of this question is that there is a Florida Statute that …
Does my Florida Tenant have to let me access the property?
A Landlord’s right to enter their property depends on the reason for the entry. As a Landlord, once you enter into a rental agreement with a Tenant your right to enter the property is limited. …
Advance Rents and Security Deposits Florida | 561.699.0399
Have you ever wondered about your Advance Rent and Security Deposits and the duty of landlords and tenants in the State of Florida? There are very stringent timelines and guidelines that both landlords and tenants …