What is it?
A Florida Final Judgment of Foreclosure against the Homeowner is a judgment issued by the Court at a Foreclosure Non-Jury Trial, Foreclosure Jury Trial, or Summary Judgment Motion against the Defendants in the foreclosure proceeding in favor of the Bank.
What’s in it?
The Final Judgment of Foreclosure details the amounts due and owing to the Plaintiff including the principal, interest, escrow credit, late charges, attorney’s fees and inspections, details the lien on the subject property and lists the sale date for the subject property.
The Sale
If the total sum with interest is not paid to the Plaintiff, the property will be sold at public sale on a specific date to the highest bidder for cash. In Palm Beach County, Florida the foreclosure sales are held online at a foreclosure auction. The Final Judgment of Foreclosure is the judgment needed by the Plaintiff to sell the subject property and attempt to recoup any and all monies due and owing under the Mortgage and Promissory Note. A Defendant or Defendants can move to vacate the Final Judgment of Foreclosure if they have legal grounds to do so and stop the Bank Foreclosure. An example of legal ground for a motion to vacate are lack of service of process. In this scenario, the Defendant would argue that the Final Judgment of Foreclosure must be vacated as he/she was never served with a copy of the Complaint and Summons.
What Next?
A Florida Final Judgment of Foreclosure may not be the end of the foreclosure proceedings. Although the docket may list the case as closed, it can always be reopened for legal cause to attempt to avoid foreclosure and stop foreclosure. The Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC and its team of experienced Foreclosure Defense Attorneys are here to help. Call us today at (561) 699-0399 to set up an in office consultation to see if we can assist you. We are located in Lantana, Florida. We serve South Florida. Our services also include assistance with Mortgage Modifications, Mortgage Help, Short Sales, Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure, and Representation of Homeowners in Condominium and Homeowners Association Lien Foreclosure Lawsuits.