An Eviction Notice is posted on the door of your business or home in which you reside. A sense of panic and fear probably sets in and your stomach tightens. What do I do? Who do I call? Am I being thrown out? Do I file something with the Court? These are a few of the many questions and concerns you will most likely have. Fortunately, The Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC has the answers. Notices in Florida must be properly drafted and served in order to be valid and effective. Careless mistakes and not seeking a professional, can lead to many defenses by a tenant which in turn makes a Florida landlord face an uphill battle and an unnecessary loss of time and money.
Attorney Ryan S. Shipp, and his team of associate West Palm Eviction Attorneys have represented numerous Florida landlords and tenants in both commercial and residential landlord tenant disputes, evictions, mobile home evictions, and other various related real estate related matters throughout the State of Florida.
Although landlords and tenants would like their leases and relationships to run smoothly, in reality, sometimes they don’t! Armed with a real estate background, years of experience, and extensive knowledge of the governing laws, the West Palm Eviction Attorneys, at Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC provides affordable and competent legal representation for both landlords and tenants in the following areas:
- Evictions
- Unlawful Detainer Actions
- Damages to Premises
- Three (3) Day Notices to Pay Rent or Vacate
- Tenant Statutory Notices for Violations
- Landlord-Tenant Disputes and Lawsuits
- Landlord Statutory Notices for Violations
- Security Deposit Disputes
- City and County Code Violation Claims
- Commercial Lease Review and Negotiations
- Residential Lease Review and Negotiations
- Discrimination
Call us today @ 561.699.0399 to learn more about our services.