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Coronavirus Florida Attorneys | Real Estate & Estate Planning Attorneys

Coronavirus Florida Attorneys | Real Estate & Estate Planning Attorneys

Coronavirus Florida Attorneys

These days, everybody seems to be talking about a different type of Corona. The Coronavirus or what is now known as Coronavirus COVID-19 is taking the globe by storm and has transformed into a full-on pandemic. As such, Coronavirus Florida Attorneys recommend that you learn what a pandemic actually is and how you need to plan for the future.

As the virus has quickly spread through China killing thousands of people in its path, many Floridians are now dealing with this problem  and the number of deaths in the United States far exceed that of China and the rest of the world.  At this stage, we know that the virus can be transmitted person to person and airborne.

privacy release of infectious disease testing to public

As a dad, husband, business owner, and West Palm Beach Attorney, I believe that the public needs to be kept up to date and abreast of public health concerns. As the Coronavirus has now taken South Florida by storm, I am hopeful that the State of Florida and its local municipalities will be completely transparent with the public in order to help protect its people.

With businesses and schools being closed, employees being fired and laid off, – debt and thought of being able to pay bills is a constant thought in the minds of many Floridians. Our West Palm Beach Real Estate Attorneys are well versed in the area of Contract law, Foreclosure Defense, Landlord Tenant Law, Association Law, and the litigation that comes with it. It is inevitable that Real Estate Contracts will be breached, Tenants with be defaulting on their rental agreements with their Landlords, and Foreclosures across the State of Florida are going to rise in the numbers.

The Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC is here to assist and help its clients through these troubling times. With over 12 years of experience in real estate litigation, our office has the knowledge and skills to aggressively litigate your Florida Real Estate Contract and Landlord-Tenant dispute and help protect and defend the homeowner with aggressive Foreclosure Defense.

West Palm Beach Foreclosure Defense Attorneys

Notwithstanding the foregoing, it very important to always be prepared for unexpected situations, especially now more than ever. Having a Florida Will drafted is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family. By having a proper Florida Will in place, you can legally protect your spouse, children, and assets, along with directing how exactly you would like things to be handled after you have passed on.  Accordingly, we have laid out some very important terms that everybody should know.

West Palm Beach Estate Planning Attorneys

Our West Palm Beach Estate Planning Attorneys can help assist with putting together the perfect plan for your particular needs. Whether it be a Florida Will, a Florida Revocable Trust, Enhanced Life Estate Deed, or Quit Claim Deed, we have you covered.

The Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC is located in Lantana, Florida. We focus our practice in the areas of Estate Planning, Real Estate, Condominium/HOA, and Business Law. Call us today @ 561.699.0399.

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