I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe 4th of July Weekend. The Town of Lantana did a phenomenal job this year with organizing the 4th of July festivities and fireworks presentation. There was live music, numerous local business vendors, as well as the Kiwanis Club who came out with a strong number of club volunteers and their new concession trailer fully-equipped to sell beer, snow cones, hotdogs, and cotton candy. On a last minute decision, The Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC decided to enter the Second Annual Lantana Chamber of Commerce Chili Cook-Off.
Although we were under extremely tight time constraints (under 48-hours) to prepare a minimum of four (4) gallons of chili, with the help of my wife (primarily her Martha Stewart cooking talents), a few pointers from my mother-in-law Bertha Gundlach, the assistance of our dear friend Aimee Weaver, Lynn Smith from the Chamber (who kindly lent us their back-up tent), and last but not least, my father-in-law Stan Gundlach on set-up and behind the scenes, we were able to get everything in order.
Up against some fierce competition that made excellent tasting chili, surprisingly, we were able to pull off the WIN with our chili now know as “Lantana’s Chillilicious”. I want to thank the Lantana Chamber of Commerce, The Town of Lantana and its residents, and The Kiwanis Club for such a great event and evening. Looking forward to next year!! Below are some pictures of the event as well as a link to the Lantana Fireworks Grand Finale.

2014 Town of Lantana Fire Works Grand Finale